Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day Five - Uhhhhh Jet Lag Day Pt. 2…

So that whole talking till the sun came up thing was really nice and all, it just equaled getting up at 4 in the afternoon. I was completely in “Whatthef” mode when I actually got up. I just kept rubbing my eyes furiously and looking out the window…I was not expecting this at all.

So did I do anything exciting at all?

Yes, yes I did.

I started ‘The Sixth Gun’ which is absolutely genius.

And then Aissa left me the flat keys so I could get something to eat on my own. She had to head to work and Sian was already there. I decided to catch up on this here blog first, but as you know time flies when you’re having fun, and it got super dark, super fast. So my big adventure for the day involved finding food on the streets of London…at night! I dropped by the Tesco’s market below us, which is a pretty nifty convenience store, but didn’t find anything that grabbed me. I headed a little further down the road and spotted something purty darn familiar.

Those sweet sweet golden arches.

Yes, I know I’m in England but dangit if people don’t eat McDonalds here by the boatloads. And it was the closest thing to the flat so I sure don’t feel guilty about it…well a lil. But not much haha!

I was in and out of the store but did manage to see that McD’s here sell veggie options as well as muffins for breakfast...WHAT THE SHIT?! Why aren’t they getting on this in the states?!

Getting back to the flat was rather easy. And I was super surprised to see that inside my bad was the biggest ‘Big ‘N Tasty’ that you have ever seen. Supposedly corporate didn’t send the memo to make measly hamburgers over here, just real awesome ones. The rest of the night I just ate, wrote, and read.

I did manage to fit in watching a couple episodes to this amazing show Sian recommended to me. My friends, do yourself a favor and watch ‘Garth Marenghei’s:  Darkplace’…you can thank me later : ).

Till later,


  1. You have much jet lag, sir. I thought you should know.

    Now go get lost, fall in love, and get into a knife fight. But be sure to bring your gun to the knife fight, as I know you ain't Sonja Blade overhere.

    (Note: If you say "overhere" in a racist imitation Italian mobster accent, I sounds cooler. Think Joe Pesci. Yeah... That sound super good.)

  2. Yeah no shit, this day was especially random. I don't know why I was so tired. Falling in love seems nice sir, but nobody seems interested haha. Now a knife fight, I think I can get behind that, since I'm Mexican I naturally have amazing knife fighting skills. Just sayin'.

  3. No, you're black. That's why you're bringing the gun. Preferably a Colt 45.
